A kitchen remodel in the Chicago suburbs—fit for some extra space!
The Situation: A previous client came to us and was looking to “make over” their kitchen. They currently had a “walk-thru” galley kitchen with very limited counter space, very small, and looked like an afterthought. The need was to create more space in an already smaller one-story home and also remodel the adjacent guest bathroom. We looked at how we could maximize the space they had and find space they didn’t know could be utilized – all while staying within a budget that would give them a better ROI if they ever decided to sell.
Our Solution: We poked around and found unused space between the two rooms and decided to compact the already larger guest bathroom and add an additional 2’ to the width of the kitchen. We also looked at opening up the kitchen to the dining room to create an “in kitchen dining” experience that they were looking for in their home.

Kitchen – Before

Kitchen – After
See the after photos by clicking here. Refreshing Real Estate & Construction Solutions.
Interested in a free competitive market analysis on your home, a home-remodeling consultation, or looking for a buyers’ agent? Contact Brent Hyland at 312.315.3565 to schedule an appointment.